When it comes to cleaning makeup stains out of your carpets, the type of makeup will change the method or cleaning agent used. Women wear mascara, eyeliners, lipsticks, and facial foundations and each will require a slightly different kind of cleaning agent. However the method is mostly the same. Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning will first break down the different cleaning agents used for each type of makeup stain and then provide the steps used to remove the stain with the correct cleaning agents.
Cleaning Agent Recipes to Remove Liquid & Powder Makeup Stains from Carpet
• Mascara and Eyeliner – ¼ teaspoon of Dawn liquid dish soap with 1 cup of warm water.
• Lipstick – Straight rubbing alcohol or paint remover. The paint remover is claimed to be safe on carpets and even wool based materials.
• Liquid Foundation – Straight hydrogen peroxide.
• Non Oil Base Makeup – Mix together 5 to 6 drop of laundry detergent in 1 cup of cold water. (Examples of non oil base makeup are eye shadow, powder foundation, and blush).
How to Clean & Get Makeup Stains Out of Carpet
Step 1. Remove the excess makeup that may be caked on the carpet. Do this by using a plastic spoon or cloth and try to flick the makeup upward so you don’t push the content deeper into the carpet.
Step 2. With the correct cleaning solution for the type of makeup stain, pour the cleaner onto a white cloth where it is damp but not drenched.
Step 3. Before you begin cleaning the stain, test the cleaning solution in a discreet area to double check that there will be no discoloration. If it proves to be safe, continue to the next step. If not, consider using a professional carpet cleaning company to clean the stain.
Step 4. Blot at the stain. Avoid a rubbing motion as you can actually make the stain worse.
Step 5. Use a dry white cloth to absorb the moisture from out of the carpet. Repeat blotting at the stain and patting it dry until the stain is gone.
Cleaning Liquid Foundation Spills from Carpet
Step 1. Apply hydrogen peroxide onto the liquid foundation and allow it to set for an hour.
Step 2. Use a spray bottle with water and lightly spray on the foundation.
Step 3. Using a white cloth blot at the stain. You may need to re-apply the hydrogen peroxide if the stain remains. However at this point, the stain is usually gone.
Step 4. Use about four layers of paper towels and use a heavy object to help press down on the wet spot to absorb the moisture from out of the carpet. After a few minutes remove the paper towel and allow the rest to air dry.
Step 5. Lastly, vacuum up the carpet to help restore the carpet fibers.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Northridge & Greater Los Angeles, California
Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning knows that at times, the ladies have their accidental spills or can drop their makeup. Sometimes even mom’s little ones get into her makeup and imitate mommy. Such play often results in disaster. By following the steps above, you can maintain a clean carpet. If you find you need a deep carpet cleaning, contact Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning. We provide expert steam carpet cleaning and so much more!