Have you ever had a dinner party and your guests have gotten a little boisterous? The dinner party usually starts with some fun and talking followed up with a nice dinner. The food of course is best paired with a nice glass of wine. The wine can make even the most behaved guest start to act out. Nothing is worse for the party than to have a guest spill their red wine right on your carpet! Red anything on your carpet is hard to remove but wine is a really hard one. The wine will start to soak right in and of course you don’t want to over react. You also don’t want to stop the whole party while you get all your cleaning supplies out and clean but that might be necessary.
Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning Outlines Steps Needed When Trying to Clean Red Wine Off Your Carpet
Remove Excess Red Wine from Carpet: If you don’t have time to clean the entire stain during the party you want to at least take care of the first step. This will help stop the red wine stain from getting worse and spreading out. The first step is to take a clean cloth and remove the excess liquid from the area. You may need to use several cloths depending on the amount of wine that was spilled. Then like with most stains you need to dab the area which means to place downward pressure. The pressure will pull the liquid off the carpet and onto the cloth you are using. Be sure to take time to do this process so that as much of the liquid is taken off.
Dilute Stains from Carpet: The next step that would be good to do during the party is to dilute the stain as best you can. You can do this with water that you want to soak onto the area. This water will work to dilute the stain that you are trying to remove. Be ready with another clean cloth to start the dabbing process again after you have added water to the spot. This can be done a few times which will help to lighten the stain so that you can clean it.
Get Your Carpet Cleaner Ready: You can wait for a short amount of time to do this part but it is always best to do it right away. You are going to make a paste that you can use to clean the stain. The paste that you are going to make is simple and the products are in your house. Take water and baking soda and get a bowl to mix them in. The paste should be placed on the spot that needs to be cleaned and allowed to sit on the spot until it has dried all the way. After the paste has dried all the way you want to use a vacuum to remove the paste and the stain with it.
Carpet Cleaning & Stain Removal in Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Northridge & Greater Los Angeles, California
Contact Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning for all your floor and upholstery cleaning needs.