There are several types of stains that are extremely hard to treat when they are spilled on carpet. Carpet is a fiber that is woven to make the small loops that give the carpet the look you know so well. The fibers act like a fabric and when there is a liquid spilled, it can start to soak in the carpet. The problem is that when other fabrics are stained you can take them to the cleaner or throw it in the wash. When it comes to carpet that has been installed in the home and cannot be taken out to be cleaned. You need to learn how to treat the stains on the carpet and knowing what works best is a great way to protect the carpet. Carpets are tricky to clean and there are several things that you should know when you are dealing with a spill such as grape juice.
Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning Outlines the Best Way to Clean a Grape Juice Spill From Your Carpets
Clean Grape Juice Carpet Stains: The best way to ensure that a stain is removed is to get to work on the stain fast. The spill will start to soak down into the fibers but worse than that the spill will get in the backing, padding and subfloor as well. The longer it sits, the harder the stain will be to treat and remove. When you see a stain get to it fast and start to treat it with whatever method you choose. When it comes to spills that involve dye such as grape juice speed is key.
Never Rub, Only Blot at Carpet Stains: The next and really most important parts of cleaning a stain is to not make the spot any bigger. Some people grab a rag and start rubbing feverishly to remove the spot. The problem is that when you rub the spill you are actually pushing the stain out further and making the spot even bigger. The best method is to always use a blotting technique instead. You can use a nice clean rag and apply pressure to that area to pull up the moisture and the spill at the same time while not allowing it to spread.
Spot Test Carpet Cleaner: Another part of cleaning carpet is to make sure that your cleaner is not going to damage your carpet. The only true way to make this determination is to do a spot test. This is where you take the cleaner you plan to use and apply it to an area that is out of sight. Then allow it to sit overnight and see if any damage remains. If it is all good then you are ready to go.
Best Carpet Stain Remover for Grape Juice: There are several methods that seem to work to remove grape juice stains. One is a simple solution with warm water and a tablespoon of dish soap. The solution is safe to use on carpets and can be repeated if necessary. You can increase the cleaning solution for hard to treat spots by adding a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Northridge & Greater Los Angeles, California.
Call a professional carpet cleaner out to treat any stains that are hard to remove. Eco Clean Carpet Cleaning Offers has the experience and equipment to do the job right. Contact us to schedule your next appointment today.